Lookit Me Ma, I'm a militant activist......
Seriously. That is exactly what I have been saying to myself since I read this story from the Sun-Times this morning;
Was Daley tricked with gay marriage petition?
October 29, 2004
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter
Mayor Daley has made national headlines by declaring his support for gay marriage, but he has never once demanded that County Clerk David Orr defy state law and "immediately issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples."
At least not until this week.
On Wednesday night, the mayor was leaving the annual Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame celebration at the Cultural Center when militant gay activists asked him to sign a petition that went far beyond Daley's public position on the issue.The petition demanded that Orr do here what San Francisco Gavin Newsome did -- only to be overturned by the courts.
'I'll sign anything'
Daley signed his name without reading the fine print. The Chicago Anti-Bashing Network then faxed press releases to media outlets touting the change in the mayor's position.
On Thursday, Daley insisted he never read the petition and had no idea it was designed to turn up the heat on Orr."I walked out and said, 'I'll sign anything.' I just put my name down. ... They asked me to sign it. I'm for gay marriage, so I have no problem with that. ... You know what my position has been on it," he said.
Asked if he wants Orr to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, Daley said: "That's up to him. I don't know if he can do it legally. That would [have to be done] statewide."
Andy Thayer, a spokesman for the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network, ridiculed the mayor for claiming he hadn't read the petition before signing his name.
Not 'lying in wait'
"He's an attorney and he doesn't read what he signs? That's amusing. Sail on, oh ship of state. It's like a three- or four-sentence petition. I would hope that, in this day and age, politicians read what they sign," Thayer said. Thayer said he was well-aware that the language of the petition went far beyond Daley's public position on the issue of gay marriage. That's why he sent out the release.
But he categorically denied he was "lying in wait" for the mayor or that Daley had been set up.Told the mayor was not interested in turning up the heat on Orr, Thayer said: "If that's the tune he's singing now, he's taking a pretty cowardly approach. When people fight for civil rights, sometimes unjust laws need to be broken."
Folks, again, let me tell you what happened.
There were four of us working the crowd when the GLHF event at the Cultural Center ended. One of the speakers at the event was kind enough to mention us, and, as people strolled out of the hall, many were walking up to me, Glenn and Andy Thayer telling us that they wanted to sign our petition. There was no arm-twisting, threatening or bitch-slapping if anyone didn't. I personally just simply accepted the fact that they did not want to sign. No biggie.
While I was with a small group of people waiting to sign, all of a sudden I heard Andy say "Mayor Daley, would you like to sign a petition in support of same-sex marriage?"
I don't remember hearing "I'll sign anything". I don't remember any arm-twisting, threatening or bitch-slapping. All I remember is that as shock worked its way through my body, I turned my head to see Mayor Daley signing the petition. Willingly, openly and without provocation.
We were not "lying in wait". He was not "set-up". There were only four of us there; Mayor Daley had more people than that surrounding him.
Mayor Daley is not a fucking piece of meat, people. He is an attorney, and, the elected presiding authority over millions of people.
You would think that as such he would actually read something before he signed it. I guess, no, I know what he was expecting us to do.
He thought that we would just simply scan it into a hard drive and upload it to our website. We would make copies of it and hand it out to our members to stroke our own egos. He was not expecting us to fax this to media outlets. He was not expecting us to be calling people up and telling them about this. He sure as hell wasn't expecting the media to run with this little diddy.
So, now I'm being to referred to as a "militant" activist. I'm a tax-paying, hard-working, law-abiding citizen that wants equal rights, and, that makes me a "militant".
Obviously this "Fran Spielman" doesn't know what she's were talking about. Unless of course she was ordered by the Mayor's office to refer to us as such; then it would simply prove that the press in this country isn't so liberal and truly is being run by our government.
Patty Hearst was militant. The Weather Underground was militant. The Black Panthers were militant.
Those were organizations that worked towards interrupting the very basic foundations of our society and life in general to get their point across. They would start riots and blow shit up. That's militant.
What we do is not militant. Unless of course, you consider the fact that we are working towards obtaining a civil right that has been exclusive to heterosexuals for centuries. If you consider the fact that we are working towards obtaining a right that religious fanatics seem to think we don't deserve, are unworthy of and claim would be "destroyed" if we obtain it, then yeah, I guess we would be considered militant. After all, the religious right seems to have it's members convinced that gays were responsible for what happened on 9/11/01, AIDS, and any other "atrocities" that may be coming along.
How dare we ask for a civil right. How dare we say that our civil liberties are violated despite the "Due Process" clause in our Constitution that guarantees otherwise.
The gall of us gay rights activists.
Yeah, I guess we are militant.
I also guess that Fran is a barefoot, constantly pregnant, bible thumping, Ku Klux Klan white sheet wearing, Confederate Flag hanging in her living room, God-fearing All American Bigot.
Yeah, I guess I am a militant.