I'm good.
Sorry that I haven't written in a long time. An excessively long time.
Thanks for the well wishes for my vacation. It was great. As always, it ended too soon.
For the most part, all I did was watch cable and movies, listen to music, surf the net, or sleep late.
It was good to spend the time with the bf, just to get a taste of what I'd be getting into. Madison is a beautiful place. Rural two lane roads run within the city limits; there is a ton of farmland that lies within Madison.
There are lots of trees and grass. None of the orange "city" glow that you get at night, making the stars invisible. No haze in the sky. The sun goes down late up there.
The people are great and friendly. The bf fits in well here, and, I hope to as well.
But, I'm already talking about Bridge D when I haven't even gotten to B yet.
There is a setback that has made the distance to Bridge D longer.
Because of my bankruptcy, I can't leave the state until the end of July, the earliest. Turns out that even though I'll have paid off my bankruptcy with the second paycheck this month, the trustee will continue to garnish my checks until an audit of my case is completed. Such an audit could take 4 to 6 weeks.
My attorney forgot to tell me about this slight detail that is putting a cramp in my plans.
But, that will fix itself in time.
But, for right now, I can't see Bridge B yet. The path to it is still there, but, it's gotten a bit harder to see the goal right now.
Last night, I decided to call the bf back before he went to bed, since the first time he called me, I was under a bit of stress and couldn't speak with him on any real level; all I could handle was pleasantries.
When I called him back, he said that he really couldn't tell that I was stressed, which relieved me. He then informed me that he received a response to his profile at Match.com that went something along the lines of "Trains and Europe are cool" or something like that.
He told me a bit about her and the pics that were on her profile. He let me know that he was going to respond to her and all, which by me is cool. What wasn't cool was what he said after all that.
"If there's any potential, I'll let you know."
I understood the words that came out of his mouth, but what I feel he really said to me was;
"Hey, you know all that talk about us moving in together? About how I say that if we work out, we could be getting married in a couple of years and all that? Yeah, I'm willing to throw that away just to go out on a date with some chick that I barely know. That's how important you are to me."
Dare I say that a big part of my problem with this is that I'm not sticking to my own word, so to speak. I was out the other night with another member of GLN doing some postering and stuff, and, was asked if this "change" is permanent or not. My response was "I don't know. I'm just enjoying the ride right now." I'm simply chanting my mantra, not actually practicing it because I let myself believe what I was being told.
If I'm dating someone that I feel is willing to be like this, I really shouldn't be taking them so seriously.
But, before I continue this train of thought, I tell myself, I need to backtrack a bit.
Before I continue, I have to explain something. My definition of the word "single".
To me (to most people in my life experiences) the words "single" means that you are unattached, not seeing anybody, completely free of any bonds of a potential long-term relationship.
For several months now, the bf has been trying to close his account at Match.com. This has involved fighting a charge to his credit card for renewal even though he didn't approve it.
It didn't bother me that he had the account or even that he kept getting emails almost every day with potential matches. It didn't bother me that he would look at them. Hell, he'd even look at them while I was at his place and would let me see them.
What bugged me is that here he is, a man who is, by my definition, no longer single, who is dating someone who he keeps saying that he's happy with, and all that.
When someone (again in my experience) finds someone that they become serious with, most often than not, they tend to forget about personal ads that they've placed in the past, unless a renewal charge comes up for them; then they usually cancel the service and go on.
I found it a bit strange to discover that the bf had gone and updated his profile with his new location, despite the fact that he was not only trying to cancel the service, but he longer fit the usual meaning of "single".
This other woman contacted him with the intent of speaking to a "single" guy. The bf's profile on Match.com (according to him) says that he is "single".
Before I do or say anything else to him, I need to know what his definition of "single" is.
I left him a message on his voicemail. The ball is in his court.