Inner-noise Revolution

I no longer maintain this blog. You can check me out at *Update - Apparently, Google has gotten their "heads" out of their asses and have finally decided to no longer allow pedophiles to network on this service. I'm still keeping the MySpace account anyway. It's cooler.*

Monday, November 13, 2006

I can't wait....

I'm a huge fan of Heroes. I even have Niki Saunders as my background. She's totally hot.

But this evening's episode baffled me.

Why did Syler kill Charlie instead of Hiro? Hiro can stop time, he can even stop other Heroes within time, but he kills Charlie instead? Is it because of her memory skills? What would she know or remember about Syler?

Someone sitting in the dark in darkness would catch my attention, irregardless of the country.

Anyway, let's break it down a little.

So far, this is what I can gather from Syler's skills;

Either bullet-proof or a quick healer, like Claire

Possibly can see the future, like Isaac (he seems to pick his victims either before they become aware of their skills, or, just as they become aware something is "different" about them)

Can jump and fly, although no one knows how high or fast. Nathan can fly at super-sonic speed, but there is no known character that can jump as high as Syler.

Assumed to have super-human strength, like Niki's alter-ego, reffered to on-set as "Jessica"

May have the ability to change the temperature of his environment (as evidenced by the frozen man with his head cut open and his brains removed)

He possesses very strong telekinesis skills.

The Heroes' "Leg Up" in all of this

Micah has so far demonstrated an ability to "fix" things, such as the dead pay phone

D.L. has the ability to move through/meld with solid objects

Hiro can stop and move through time whether it is itself stopped or moving

Peter has the ability to mimic any special skill of another Hero he has been in contact with. So far, he cannot perform said ability with the level of skill or mastery that the original Hero who possesses it, but can perform it on a basic level.
It's also rumored that he has a strong telepathic bond with his brother, Nathan. That would explain his waltzing in on his brother's campaign interview with a major newspaper

Tonight, there was a boy who was (possibly) controlling Mohinder's dreams, showing Mohinder instances in his family's existence that he would not have seen on his own. Mohinder was able to verify one of these in a conversation with his mother.

Mohinder discovers that this boy is comatose. Wow.

We've now been introduced to a character that apparently has multiple skills; this person was not only able to project himself mentally into someone else's mind, but, he was also able to move through time AND space to place that person into a particular instance. And he's doing this all while he's lying in a bed somewhere.

And we finally, kinda, sorta discover Mr. Bennet's true intentions. Turns out Retardo the Wonder Chicken is trying to save his daughter from being killed, without realizing (in my opinion) that he's probably going to kill her.

I'll elaborate on my theory later.
It's time for bed.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

How does that feel?

I watched that little sack of shit from Texas sqwirm in his suit and tie yesterday during his press conference. But this was the kicker for me personally.

"I thought that the American people understood the issues with taxes and security, but...."

Insert several very uncomfortable moments of jerking, sweating and shifting here.

"Uh, the American people have spoken."

No, asshole, what you wanted to say was that you didn't understand why the American people didn't understand policies which resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 US soldiers and possibly half a million or MORE Iraqis getting killed.

You wanted to say that you didn't understand why the American people didn't think it was okay for you to continue giving tax cuts to the rich while the middle class gets smaller and smaller.

But, you didn't, you couldn't.

I sincerely hope that for once in your life Captain Head-Up-Your-Ass, you got it. I sincerely hope that you finally understood that you can't cater to the upper 10% of this nation and forget about the other 90%.

It is this 90% that makes this country what it is. We are the ones that tell you what you should buy, what the weather's going to be like, ring out your purchases and stock the shelves from which you grab. We are the ones who teach your children, fix your cars, and maintain your roads. We are the ones who cook your food, pick your fruit and harvest your bread.

And how you've chosen to thank us is by having someone else make our clothes, our cars, our customers happy.

Well Mr. President, this is how we've chosen to thank you.



Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yeah, I'm up late tonight.

Marriage equality bans (let's call them what they are folks) have passed in four states.

The Dems have control of the House.

Let's hope they get control of the Senate.

Let's really hope that they make Bush look like the most inbred, retarded, worthless, sack of shit lame duck president there has ever been.


A Progressive who ACTUALLY voted.

*If you don't vote, don't bitch* - Matthew Shepard

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